Monday, January 9, 2012

Saying Good-Bye!

On the week-end of November 13,2011, we invited all of Christopher's family, friends and co-workers to come over so we could share some laughs and have a nice time together before Christopher headed out on his journey the following week.
Ashley with Christie & Alyssa enjoying some snacks after Christopher's farewell talk in Sacrament in church.

Christopher & I getting into mischief.

Christopher spending some time with his Oma.

Kate & Christopher.
Poor Kate.
On Tuesday, after rushing around and making sure that everything way packed and that Christopher had all that he needed... it was time to say good-bye. I was staying home with the other children and Marcus was driving the three hour drive to the Calgary airport.
I wanted to hug him forever, but in my heart, I knew that he was going to be just fine and he was about set off on such an amazing work. He is such a strong young man so full of faith in his Heavenly Father... he will be alright. I did, however, keep on waving until the van was out of sight.

Welcome to Christopher D. Weckesser's Mission

Last spring Christopher put his papers in to serve a mission with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Even though Marcus and I had always raised our children letting them know that we would support them if they served a mission or not, or if they went on to University or not, it truly did make us feel a joy when Christoper sent in his papers on his own after taking a semester at the University of Alberta. Just before last summer, he received a letter from the church which was signed by President Monson saying that Christopher had been called to the Boston, Massachusetts, English speaking mission. How AMAZING! He then got a job at the CORE Association here in Medicine Hat, working with physically & mentally challenged adults and saved up every penny that he needed to go and serve a two year mission for the church and Heavenly Father. On November 17, 2011 he flew to Salt Lake City, Utah to report to the Missionary Training Center........

This is his ADVENTURE.