Monday, January 9, 2012

Saying Good-Bye!

On the week-end of November 13,2011, we invited all of Christopher's family, friends and co-workers to come over so we could share some laughs and have a nice time together before Christopher headed out on his journey the following week.
Ashley with Christie & Alyssa enjoying some snacks after Christopher's farewell talk in Sacrament in church.

Christopher & I getting into mischief.

Christopher spending some time with his Oma.

Kate & Christopher.
Poor Kate.
On Tuesday, after rushing around and making sure that everything way packed and that Christopher had all that he needed... it was time to say good-bye. I was staying home with the other children and Marcus was driving the three hour drive to the Calgary airport.
I wanted to hug him forever, but in my heart, I knew that he was going to be just fine and he was about set off on such an amazing work. He is such a strong young man so full of faith in his Heavenly Father... he will be alright. I did, however, keep on waving until the van was out of sight.

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