Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Missionary Training Centre


Christopher had a wonderful time in in Utah at the missionary training centre. He be became District Leader and quickly met a lot of friends from all over the globe.


Here is Christopher with his friends Elder Shaun Neil and Elder Kaimahi Thompson.  That’s their district in front of the Provo temple.



                         One of Christopher's first email's home: 

Hello!!! I've been doing great! Today is my P-Day so i finally get to use the e-mail. Most elders here have been getting letters from dear, its pretty cool how they do that. Life here is awesome and I'm loving the MTC, schedule is very very busy but its good. I'm learning sooooo much here! We currently have 2700 missionaries here and the Sunday temple trip is amazing! there's hundreds all over the temple grounds. I've been doing very well in my discussions but i feel a little bad because I think i dominated the conversation and my companion doesn't get much time to talk. But I'm incredibly excited to get into the field! We've been doing tons of really fun things, some are included in the letter i sent you guys but i don't know for sure.

Things we've done:

-Threw snowball at security kiosk
-Make a giant slingshot with the flex bands and shoot each other with it

-Make a hammock out of our sheets

-Make the DL do the "impossible sit-up"

There's more but i don't think I'll send it all! The food here is really amazing, but rich and lots of it! I've exercised my will power and eaten mostly salads. The chocolate milk is made at the BYU dairy and so is the ice-cream so its all heavenly. I just found out the orange juice has mild laxatives in it so.... it explains a lot... But its fresh and delish! I can't believe Kurt has a GF and i hope Kurt liked his room!! (all the glitter Dola & I put in it!) You should send me a package with Canadian stuff!!  I also NEED to have a suit on all times here so I've worn the same pair of pants for the week! But I've gotta go, tell people to WRITE me! Love you all!! And also the area here is beautiful, i just went to the temple today. It was a fun session. Anyways write soon!! Love you 

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