Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cape Cod:Elder Weckesser's 1st Area

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Christopher's First Area is Cape Cod

He is loving it on Cape Cod!

Here is a letter:

'My first assigned area is on Cape Cod, there's only 4 of us on the whole isle. Its an amazing place, you don't even know!! There's old houses everywhere, and so much seafood! And there's hundreds of thrift and antique stores everywhere, you would love it. And every house/ building here looks like the ones you like to take thousands of pictures of when you see one. Flying to Boston was cool, i met this Russian named Dmitri and he was a senior technology consultant for a data company. We talked the whole way to Boston and he even gave me the window seat. Eventually i gave him a card with info on our church and website addresses on it. He gave me a business card in case i ever stopped by in Moscow. Boston is incredible, everything is so old, but then you have these really big skyscrapers all over. I left my jacket on the plane by accident, so i had to get clearance and go through security again to get it. I ended up delaying the group by 40 min... i tried too hard to make a good first impression. The mission pres. is really really nice, and this area is beautiful. Natick was so cool too, really fresh air and cool trees all over. I've taken lots of pictures just for you. Even our apartment is some really old house, we live in the roof. The place was a disaster when we got in, dirty dishes all over, messy house, stuff all over, garbage all over, really stinky. I've spent the last couple days cleaning up.  We're also in the hardest part of the mission.investigators, There's old churches all over. The area we're in is so beautiful. We're even walking distance from the coast. We're gonna catch supper on P-day, crabs, clams and scallops. I can't wait, its going to be delish. Its really tough here, and i don't know why I'm training here. It was recommended to the mission pres. to close the place cause nothing is happening here, but instead they send me to train here. All of my district is in easier places like Boston and Connecticut. I haven't even taught a lesson yet, and its my third day. I did give this random lady at Wal-Mart a BofM though. Oh well, there's gotta be a reason I'm here. I couldn't imagine if you were here, it would be pictures pictures and more pictures. Loaded with antique searching. Now that i think about it, you would totally love this place!! Its just like I'm in England or something. Narrow roads and crazy drivers. The drivers here are really insane, you need to cut people off and you're allowed to drive in the shoulder during rush hour. I'm gonna look for some antiques on Pday, see if i can find anything cool to send you. Also i was wondering if you could send me  couple Canada flag patches that i could sew onto my backpack? With the pins and coins.  So far I've still been good with writing everything in my journal. Anyways i'll write back on Monday, I'll probably send a letter in the mail. Show this letter to CORE too incase they're interested! I'll have to write a letter to them since I'm not gonna be allowed to email them. Ok bye!! Love you! Also could you possibly get Oma to send those yummy cookies that she shapes through a meat grinder, and also maybe some classical music too. Tell everyone i say hi!"

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*Notice his Canadian scarf…….I guess he wore it everywhere during the chilly times!

"Lots has happened!!!! Our Pday is today cause transfer
meeting is tomorrow. My trainer is DL so I'm the district mom now!

I'm starting to get more mail. SO far I've gotten
2 packages, from the Rocky Mountain Wecks and you guys. I've also got
letters from a sister missionary, kenzie, and Oma. So ya, its nice.
Teaching is good, we have a baptism in a couple days so i can't wait.
We got hit by a butt load of snow on Saturday, over a foot!! It all
melted in the rain a couple days later though but it was insane!! Its
so heavy and wet. We had a thick fog after that which smelled like
fish. You could see all these beams of light in the air cause there's
light houses everywhere! But I'm officially done my first transfer
here, one more and I'm done training. I can't believe all these
changes that are going on. We're going to take a ferry soon to
Nantucket, and i might be doing an exchange to Martha's Vineyard. Look
those islands up, they're really nice. Pres. Neilson from the branch
in med hat went there once and loved it."

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It is amazing to hear from Christopher every week in his emails. His stories and the manner in which he writes shows how much he has grown in such a short period of time.

What an amazing blessing and adventure this is for all of us!



Here he is sitting at one of his favorite 'pondering spots' when they have a moment to do so! They have been doing a lot of volunteer work around Cape Cod helping people do yard work and different things. He tells me that they do it in their shirt and tie so when people

ask why they are dressed like that, they can start talking about the Church!


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