Sunday, February 12, 2012

A little bit more from the MTC…

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While at the Missionary Training Centre, Christopher actually met up with friends that he already knew that were going on missions too like Shane Dola from Medicine Hat, Alberta.

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Christopher's Email:

November 23,2011

I report to Boston on Dec 7 but i don't have my address there yet.  Flying was soooo awesome too! I got to see a dessert sunset just before Phoenix! Best trip ever! And i don't get airsick! I went in the choir, got to sing at the devotional last night. D. Todd Christofferson talked to us and i saw my face on the screen as we were singing! I'm really loving my time here, awesome roommates and somehow i can get along with anyone. And also my one pair of pants that i have for my suit, the cuff's on the bottom unravelled so i stuck pins in it to hold it up. But one time the pin fell in my shoe, ouch! I'm gonna take my stuff in Monday to get it fixed and dry cleaned. Everything seems cheaper here too! But ya, once again.  Also one of the less active investigators we taught gave me some natural oil stuff that smelled like mint. it actually clears up my nose but is really strong. I've had so many testimony building experiences here and its so cool! I was slightly unsure at first but as i testify to investigators i feel my own testimony grow so much! Also I've been writing every day so far, didn't plan on doing that here but I've been doing it. there'll be sooo many stories!!

November 30, 2011

Hello! Got on again, obviously its my Pday.  So far we've had talks from both Christoffersen and Nelson. Its pretty sweet. And this guy from japan of the seventy. MTC is great still. Food is really good, they've always got 4 different meals to choose from so its awesome. For one of the examples in class i volunteered to take the teachers place and they were pretty surprised but accepted. I did so well, i even impressed the class! I also got called as Zone Leader so i get to lead the orientation today for the new missionaries. Its pretty fun. I've recorded everyday in great detail so i'll be able to share everything when i get back! Did you guys get my letter? Also i've realized that the fact i'm Canadian makes it soooo easy to start conversation with other people (sister missionaries). Everyone is so fascinated by the fact and i love it. I've already impressed my roommates with my smooth moves! This is actually for real too. One of the investigators we teach is this older couple and they're lovely. Our last lesson was amazing, it was organized and they were impressed by my ability to quote scriptures. Even the "home teacher" we were with talked to me about it after.  When they left we dressed up to say goodbye. I put on my hoodie, shorts, long socks and my scarf. I tucked in my hoodie and pulled the shorts as high as possible!!! Then we acted like nerds and walked down 4 floors to say goodbye. Unfortunately it was inspection time, and we walked past 2 branch presidents. We also took lots of pictures for you! On of my roommates gave me a haircut last night just before lights out, we ended up vacuuming when people were sleeping and i showered with the chair we used. Life is great, and i've gained no weight. I eat lots of salads. I actually have lots of friends, and i've taken plenty of pictures here. I can't believe Kurt got kissed, who would've guessed?!?!



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Goofing around!

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This time has truly been amazing for Christopher!

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